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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018

The food

In this opportunity I will write about the importance of food, I think the food it's a the grate pleasures of life because at the same time that it feeds us it generates taste or dislike, in this sense, choosing a favorite food is really difficult, but I like eat acid fruits and lasagna (separately), on the other hand I enjoy a lot cooking, both sweetans salty, I'm good patery chef. In the university I usually eat for lunch the same food as at home, because I prepare myself packed lunch, infrequently I buy ready to eat meals, or any food, I try to take from home everything I need for a day, a fruit, a snack or anything else. Always I have a food an water in my bagpack! I don't frequent go to restorants  but, I really like it, I remember once in Santiago, a Thai food restaurant, where they served quite strange plates and exotic flavors, also I once went to a retaurant of Indian food, which also enjoy a lot, but it's a shame that I do not remember the names of resta

My best holidays EVER!

A year ago, I had the opportunity to travel to México for three weeks, I was able to visit a many cities like, Ciudad de México, Morelia, Uruapan, Lazaro Cárdenas, Patzcuaro and Zihuatanejo, and small towns like Huecorio, Janitzio, Xochimilco, Ixtapa and Saladitas. I traveled with my brother Feña and his friends who lives in México Edgar and Paloma, we goes to the beach and lake. In Patzcuaro we celebrated Día de Muertos wiht the family of Edgar with his mother, his father, his daughter, his sister Itchel and his nephew Balam, especifically in Huecorio. All town gets ready for this date, e verything is filled with decorations, flowers and food specially prepared for the date, plus people from all over Mexico and from all over the world come to Patzcuaro, some to join their families and others to know this special date for them, like me ! I was also able to visit some very famous archaeological sites   like Teotihuacan in CDM, Tzintzuntzan and Ihuatzio in Michoacán I could n

A country I'd like to visit

If I could I would visit anywhere, I would visit Guatemala, because I´m into knowing the environmental and the climatic conditions, in this latitude the daily mean temperature it’s too high and wet rather than as here in Chile. I’ll like go to the see a rainforest and the animals that inhabit it. If I have the opportunity I’ll like go to Mexico for a few years to study aboard, because that way I can stay more time. And if I’ll go to live to Mexico I would go Guatemala it has many time as I want because it’s really closer. Moreover in Guatemala has an interesting culture coming on the Culture Maya and has a lot of archaeological architectonic structural I like in to have an opportunity stay in this place. Are located in the central of the continent and has two oceans, the Pacific and Caribbean Ocean, it must be a beautiful and interesting landscape, spot full of life and colors.

Personal Information on Internet

Hi, in this opportunity I´ll   write about the personal information that  is publicated in social media, I think that it´s  not save give a lot of personal information , because this is used for the big companies for the make  targeted advertising, I h ave facebook and mail  only  (and blogg for  this subject), because  I dislike publish in more plataforms. My limit it´s sometimes give my real name, and had a few photos, I dont like publish about the thing s I do each day, and I never give my phone number or my adress. Moreover I have in my "friends" or contacts that people I know only.  My favorite social media it's facebook because I use for acumulate information (attachments files, photos, events , etc)  and talk whit a lot of people. Also I use it  for information about the university. I think during this time the relationships are mediated for the social media and the technologies, and I dont like this, because missing out lost the interaccion between people.