Hi, today I talk about the animals, if I would have any pet, I will choose a cat, really i'm not fan a cats but I think that are some independent themselves but in my home lives two dogs: Mora and Frodo, and they don't at all like a cats. My favorite wild animal it's a hoppopotamus because my first stuffed animals it was! When I grow up discovered must be very dangerous and be treated as murderers... nevertheless I like this animal because it´s huge and can be defended for the human being! I don't like a exotic pets, because they always need a enveriomental requirements for their survival, and often remover from their normal habitats! the Zoo's was a example, when I attended the primary school I got a Zoológico Metropolitano de Santiago, in this place concentrate many animal species in confined spaces on the San Cristobal hill, whom looked like blue and very heated (in the summer). I think should not be exist, only nature reserve's can be p...