Hi, today I talk about the animals, if I would have any pet, I will choose a cat, really i'm not fan a cats but I think that are some independent themselves but in my home lives two dogs: Mora and Frodo, and they don't at all like a cats. My favorite wild animal it's a hoppopotamus because my first stuffed animals it was! When I grow up discovered must be very dangerous and be treated as murderers... nevertheless I like this animal because it´s huge and can be defended for the human being!
I don't like a exotic pets, because they always need a enveriomental requirements for their survival, and often remover from their normal habitats! the Zoo's was a example, when I attended the primary school I got a Zoológico Metropolitano de Santiago, in this place concentrate many animal species in confined spaces on the San Cristobal hill, whom looked like blue and very heated (in the summer). I think should not be exist, only nature reserve's can be positive only if they perform good practice.
Since childhood, my family attend to rodeos and any uncle even practice it! always I think in the cows and horses, thats must be a bump with each other. When I goes to rodeo I never stay in the medialuna I play with other children away! nowday I think the rodeo it's a animal cruelty and don't undestand can be like anyone!
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